The exercise and fitness newsletter that covers exciting new topics such as: exercise intensity, exercise plans, weight training, fitness hormone, cross country skiing, yoga, strength training, running, plyometrics, sprinting, endurance training, supplements, stretching, plyometrics, cardio, kick-boxing, masters track & field

Are you on the Roller Coaster Diet?

by Terri Main

Get Real


I overheard someone saying the other day, "Such and such is a great diet. When I need to lose weight I go on it and can drop the pounds in a few weeks." Now, if this sound reasonable to you or you wish I could send you the name of the diet, then you might be a Roller Coaster Dieter.

A Roller Coaster Dieter is someone who can lose the weight. After all, they've done it several times already this year.

The problem is that the weight doesn't stay off. What happens is that you notice that you have gained a bunch of weight, then you go on a diet and lose what you need to lose, congratulate yourself, buy some new clothes and then go back to your "normal" life. A few months later, you can't wear the new clothes you bought because you put back on the weight.

You are not alone. It is estimated that 95 percent of all people who lose weight gain it back. The problem is that constant gaining and losing of weight is actually worse on your health than being moderately overweight.

So, how do we get off the roller coaster? Well, first forget about"diets." Forget about shakes and eating grapefruit every day for two weeks. Forget about modified fasts, eating one meal a day or following some very rigid diet plan put out by someone with some poorly authenticated medical degree.

"Diets" are temporary by their very nature. You can only eat grapefruit for so long. You can only survive on one meal a day for so long. You can only avoid fat or sugar or carbs for so long.

Secondly, you need to think in terms of lifelong fitness patterns and not temporary quick fixes offered by diets. In small steps change your fitness life style. Add a thirty minute walk to your routine. Order salad instead of fries with your burger. Eat just 100 calories a day less than you did last week. Then add to those changes until they become part of your lifestyle.

Third, add exercise. Dependency on diet alone, especially if you are over 30, will lead to increasing levels of deprivation as your metabolism slows down with age. Rev up that metabolism with exercise so you can have an OCCASIONAL treat without it totally undoing all the good you've done.

Finally, monitor your weight. Once you've lost the weight, don't expect it to stay off on its own. Keep an eye on the scale and if your weight starts to edge up, pull out your journal and start evaluating how your lifestyle has changed to allow the weight gain and correct it when it's just a few pounds instead of panicking when you've gained all the weight back.

Roller Coasters at the amusement park may be fun, but not when it comes to weight.

More info visit Terri Main's Web site Get Real


Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness - 2nd Edition

Book Review
by Andrew Duck, BAppSci, CSCS
Editor, Sports Specific Training, Australia

"Overall, the book, like Body-For-Life, is very easy to read but it goes further, explaining the scientific basis to the protocol and doing this very well.

All statements are backed up by research, not hearsay. Most pages actually have a statement from a research article and its' source on it. There is also a full list of research papers in the back if you wish to look through the research yourself. For me, this is a great asset because it then means that they are facts being published, not one person's opinion.

Also, even though Campbell writes about supplements, he is not associated with any nutritional supplement company so does not have a hidden agenda."

The book that covers - exercise plans, fitness, exercise intensity, physical fitness, fitness plan, weight training, fitness hormone, cross country skiing, yoga, yoga mat, Swim sprints,  strength training, running, plyometrics, yoga, sprinting, track, endurance training, supplements, stretching, plyometrics, cardio, kick-boxing, masters track & field,

Order an autographed copy online - toll free - 1 (866) 565-3311

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NOTE: The purpose of this newsletter is to expand thinking about fitness as an informational source for readers, and is not medical advice. Before attempting the Synergy Fitness program, the Sprint 8 Workout, or any high-intensity exercise program, consult your physician. This is not just a liability warning; it's wise to have a baseline medical exam before beginning a fitness program. Make your physician a partner in your fitness improvement plan.