Working Your Triceps


Press Downs

You can work your triceps many different ways. My personal favorite is Press Downs. This exercise produces great results for the entire group of muscles (3 main muscles) - if the exercise is performed with the training principles - isolation, exhaustion, and aerobic tempo between sets.

There are two parts to Ready Set Go Press Downs.

During the first 10 reps, press the rope handle downward with an outward flair at the end of the repetition as shown below. Bending your knees and slightly leaning forward makes it easier to isolate the triceps, and it removes stress from the lower back.

Once your triceps are exhausted and the flair-out becomes difficult (around 10 reps), begin the second phase by pumping reps straight down. Your hands should be side-by-side as shown below for the last 10 reps.

This pump-out for the last 10 reps should have your triceps “burning.” Getting in 5 or more reps after the lactate burn begins tells you that you've worked your triceps to exhaustion.

The rope is preferred over the bar because it creates slightly better isolation, and it takes stress off the elbows.

Also note that the cable doesn't travel straight down; it angles slightly away from the weights. This allows for more isolation on the triceps. Try 3 sets of 20 reps and you'll see what I mean.

20 Reps

Personally, I find that it takes 20 reps with moderate weight to exhaust this naturally strong group of muscles. Triceps are durable muscles and need the extra reps to exhaust them.

Have a great day!


Phil Campbell, M.S., M.A., FACHE
Author Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness


2nd Edition of Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness now available here

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